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Top Places Bed Bugs Hide

If bed bugs have become known for one thing over the years, it is their uncanny ability to hide. These critters are immensely small, but they possess a natural ability combined with wits that allow them to hide right among everyday objects and blend right in, chameleon-like. This is just one of the many things that makes fighting bed bugs so difficult. If you want to increase your chances of success, you’ll learn some of these critter’s favorite hiding spots.

Common Hiding Places For Bed Bugs

Box Springs And Mattresses

You can ask just about anyone and they won’t be surprised to hear that bed bugs hide in mattresses and box springs. After all, this is one of the reasons that they are named bed bugs. They like to be near their blood supply. In addition to this, these critters possess the innate ability to sense human body heat along with expelled CO2, and kairomones. It is these qualities that make bedrooms and mattresses a veritable breathing ground for bed bugs.

Cracks And Crevices In Bed Frames

Speaking of the bed, there are hundreds of viable hiding spots within a bed. The headboards and footboards being among some of them. Add cracks and crevices to that and you make the situation all that direr. Bed bugs can squeeze their bodies into holes as small as a finishing nail. Squeezing into a small crack or crevice in a headboard or footboard won’t be a problem for these critters. Be sure to especially check the spaces where the headboards and footboards butt into the side rails.

Sheets, Linen, And Bedding

Bed bugs are also known to take up residence in sheets, linen, and bedding. The only good thing about these hiding spots is, they are much more in plain sight, so to speak. In addition to this, you can check sheets for dried blood stains, fecal matter, and exoskeletons. These indicating signs will be much easier to spot in these situations.

Rugs And Carpets

Rugs and carpets might not seem like they offer much protection for bed bugs. And, they do not, but, unfortunately, they offer just enough. What makes these environments even more viable for the critters is that carpets and rugs are usually located in bedrooms.

Couches And Upholstered Furniture

Just about everyone has heard of someone bringing in bed bugs into their home via used furniture. Used furniture offers tons of potential hiding places. Just think about all the potential hiding spots within one couch. These critters could hide in the legs, the skirting, in cracks, under the armrests, and in tons of other places.

Unsuspecting Hiding Places

There are also some places where you might find bed bugs that you wouldn’t normally suspect. It is these places that will likely make the difference between uncovering an infestation and not. Learn these potential hiding spots forwards and backward so that you are familiar with them if and when the need arises.

Luggage And Suitcases 

Had a friend recently bring back a bed bug infestation from a long trip? Maybe you read about a similar situation somewhere. Whatever the situation, it was likely due to bed bugs hitching a ride on their luggage. A piece of luggage, like that compared to a bed or piece of furniture, offers even more hiding spots within.

Wall Decorations Paintings

That painting above your bed might be beautiful while tying the room together perfectly, but it is possible that it is also harboring a nasty critter. That’s right, bed bugs are attracted to cold, dark, and cool places. That’s exactly what a painting or piece of wall décor has to offer.


You can read all you want about bed bugs, but you will likely never find them on thee pages. They do, however, like to hide in books. Just in the spines of the books. Due to their small size, bed bugs can even squeeze themselves into the spine of some of the smallest books.


This one probably doesn’t come as much of a surprise to many people, but it is worth at least mentioning. Bed bugs are known to hide in nightstands. Because they are cold, damp, and dark they offer the perfect breeding ground for these troublesome critters.


With the number of electrical devices in a home today, no one wants to hear that bed bugs can hide in electrical devices. Unfortunately, this is the case. And, when they do hide in them, there is always the potential that they could destroy the device in the process. Combine this with the importance and cost of electrical devices today, and this is something that everyone will want to avoid at all costs.

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